
I'm tearing my house apart!!

I blame it on this website..

here's the idea...

and here's my progress so far...

I think that Mitch is a little bit more then worried...


It's gonna look great!!
{I hope ... crosses fingers}

We've bought a house!!

I absolutely love it!! We moved in on August 18, 2011 and since then have been making it our own!!

We've learned quite a few house tips though...


- Make sure the electricity is COMPLETELY off before you connect your fans

-Make sure when buying the house that all the windows have blinds. {we didn't} walking around a house that is a fish bowl for two weeks... isn't fun.

- Label all of your light switches...
{walking around a strange house in the dark hurts. trust me}

**rubs forehead**

Until next time;

Yours Truly

Alot has happened!!

We've moved about a MILLION times already **scowls** and I've burnt about a cazillion meals already {my poor honey. FAIL}

We've made our own little family!!!

Twix Aussie Gandolf {the gray}

Yes we are the animal house... what can I say...
** shrugs shoulders**

I just want to save all of them

Until next time;

Yours Truly

A million miles of life to catch up on!!

We're Married!!!

Mitchel and I tied the knot for Time and all Eternity in February

days after the national {LOVE} day and 8 days before his wonderful B-DAY!!

That's right!

in 135 days it will be our ...


**does happy dance**

Until next time;

Yours Truly